Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Season for Good Tidings and Great News! 海人!

The phone call that we have been waiting for finally came unexpectedly on a Sunday night as we sat down to eat a dinner.

The good news has come in the form of a son, Kaito (pronounced Kite-O) who was born on November 21, 2011 in Hokkaido, Japan. His name, 海人, means Ocean Person. He is healthy and doing great.

We are now finalizing plans for when we will meet him. We will let you know when that happens.

Please contact us through the blog for future updates!

With much love, Andy & Cheryl


  1. Oh he is soooo cute, congratulations. What an amazing christmas present.

    All the best Christine

  2. We are so excited for you guys as you begin this adventure of parenting!! Prayers for all of the details to come together so that you can meet him, snuggle him, continue to love him and bring him home!!

  3. Congratulations!! I've been visiting your page from time to time hoping to hear the good news! It brings us hope we'll be lucky too soon... Enjoy your time with your little bundle of joy!

  4. Wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you. We are also waiting to compete a Japanese Adoption. Good thoughts and wishes for your family.

  5. Andy and Cheryl, we brought home our precious boy from Japan last year. I am SO happy for you and can't wait to see more updates and your journey unfold. Wishing you nothing but the best. PS Kaito is just beautiful :)

  6. I'm really happy and excited for you! You have my prayers and I'm so glad you have Kaito. Waiting for you guys to see him and update us! God bless =]
